Variety Primes Manufactured Outrage

C.A. Ramirez
2 min readMay 31, 2024
Here Comes More Garbage

Here we go again. Before Disney can release its next sub-par Star Wars entry, they are already unleashing their dogs of war. Variety has gone ahead and issued a warning to all the bigotry that has not taken place, but is sure to come. The corporate tea leaves begin to settle.

This is how you can the next Star Wars project will be awful. They are already creating a line in the sand. One side will have die-hard Star Wars fans, salivating over their Disneyland light sabers; and the other will consist of critics of the shows storytelling, acting, and character arcs. Dissent from anyone opposite the legion of fan boys will be smeared with a thick coating of racist and sexist paint.

The first move made by Variety is one that Disney LOVES to embrace. Manufacture outrage that paints critics of its latest half-baked series, as racists and bigots. This drowns out criticism by forcing it to be seen as nothing but the ranting and raving of the lunatic fringe of society; alt-right racists, and Trump supporters.

The move is tactical and strategic. Disney refuses to pay writers what they are worth and relegates itself to piggybacking off social media hot-button issues. They attach themselves to LGBTQ communities by casting members of said community into their latest projects as actors, screenwriters, producers, etc. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH…



C.A. Ramirez

Writer looking to explore movies, music and video games. GameStop is a state of mind.